VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture. Thematic issue: Tele(visualising) Health. coordinated and edited by Tricia Close-Koenig, Angela Saward, Jessica Borge.
This thematic issue of VIEW brings together articles that show how television has been an instrument for, as well as a mirror of, public service and specifically health services. Two approaches to this are featured and teased out. The first approach concerns health communication and campaigns, where information is diffused via television and strengthened or reinforced by visual and filmic means. The second concerns the structures that offer, manage and model norms of health and healthcare services. In introducing elements of the history of health, we hope to draw attention to the intersection of public health and television over the twentieth century, such that thinking about the relationship between them might change our understanding of both. This issue includes BodyCapital team articles:
Collective volume. Christian Bonah and Anja Laukötter, eds. (2020) Body, Capital, and Screens: Visual Media and the Healthy Self in the 20th Century, Amsterdam University Press
DOI: 10.2307/j.ctv12sdvgj
Following the Healthy Self as Body Capital inaugural conference (23-25 February 2017) a collective volume edited by Christian Bonah and Anja Laukötter in the Media Matters series by Amsterdam University Press is forthcoming..
Body, Capital, and Screens brings together new research from leading scholars from Europe and North America working at the intersection of film and media studies and social and cultural history of the body. The volume focuses on visual media that informed and educated people about life and health in the twentieth century in Europe and the USA, as well as practices for improving them. Through a series of in-depth case studies, the contributors to this volume investigate the relationships between film and television, private and public actors of the health sector and economic developments. The book explores the performative and interactive power of these visual media on individual health understandings, perceptions and practices. Body, Capital, and Screens aims to better understand how bodily health has evolved as a form of capital throughout the century.
Le fil des images. Joël Danet a publié un dossier intitulé L'EAC à l'heure d'internet et du numérique, un article en trois temps sur le site Le fil des images, La publication des pôles régionaux d'éducation et de formation aux images :
L’émergence d’internet et la nouvelle télévision. publié le 30 octobre 2019
Dans les années 90, l’arrivée d’Internet a suscité un grand nombre de débats, intenses et passionnés, sur la circulation des images et l'avenir de la télévision.
La fin du cinéma ? publié le 03 janvier 20.
À la fin des années 90, un discours sur la fin du cinéma se développe, porté par de prestigieux "embaumeurs".
Les débordements de l’intime. publié le 26 juin 2020.
L’arrivée de l’émission « Videomaton » puis des webcams signe le début d’une nouvelle ère « sociale » : la circulation de l’image de soi
Gesnerus. Thematic issue Broadcasting Health and Disease: Bodies, Markets and Television, 1950s-2000s coordinated and edited by Jessica Borge, Tricia Close-Koenig, Sandra Schnädelbach.
Television was an important device for the broadcast of information on health and disease, but it was more than this. As this special issue of Gesnerus shows, televisual technologies were part and parcel of Western health science and education trajectories of the twentieth century. Not only did they support and accompany the trajectory of change in dealing with and communicating about health and disease, but as the ERC BodyCapital research group aims to explore, (audio)visual media actively shaped contemporary understanding of bodily norms and, thereby, standards of treatment and concepts of medical (as well as individual) responsibility. This issue includes BodyCapital team articles:
[2021] Anja Bartel, Kevin Clementi, Hannes Käckmeister, Amélie Kratz et Sophie Iffrig, « La comparaison comme méthode et objet. L’apport d’un parcours transdisciplinaire pour réfléchir au franco-allemand », Trajectoires. Revue de la jeune recherche franco-allemande, 27 juin 2021, no 14.
[2020] Anja Laukötter "'Medizin nach Noten'. Körperökonomien im DDR-Fernsehen" Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History, 17 (2020), H. 2, S. 386-398.
[2020] Jessica Borge "Bandwidth Lost: Family Planners and Post-war Television” Corporate Communications. Vol. 25 No. 4, 2020, pp. 655-668.
[2020] Lukas Herde “Distance, Droplets, Dental Dams – ‘Safe Sex’ during the Covid-19 Pandemic” 25. Mai 2020 Blog Feeling News.
[2018] Philippe Chavot and Anne Masseran “The televisual framing of organ transplantations in France, from the 60s to the 80s” Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis N° 8, 2018, pp. 85-101.
[2017] Joël Danet et Christian Bonah "Le moment anthropologique du cinéma industriel pharmaceutique. Retour sur le film utilitaire médico-pharmaceutique francophone des années 1970." Images du travail Travail des images, n° 4, 2017.
Online resources
The programme and video recording of the inaugural conference
The inaugural conference of the ERC BodyCapital project was held 23-25 February 2017 at the MISHA, Strasbourg. The international conference brought together topic and media related scholars from the fields of history, history of medicine, media studies, film studies and film history with the aim to approach and explore the broad field of the project’s research agenda with four distinct, yet overlapping, axes:
We prepared a programme articulated around 4 panels, with presentations by several eminent speakers.
Panel 1. Between local formations and global realms
Panel 2. Between Medicine, Sciences and Markets
Panel 3. Between state regulation and subjectification
Panel 4. Between Collectivization and Distinction
The presentations are all online, via the above links.
The pedagogical MEDFILM platform is a database of archival audiovisual sources related to the history of health. It presents a collection of films and their analysis. The primary objective of the database is the render these sources accessible and useable in research and teaching.
The ERC BodyCapital researchers prepared 143 film analyses for the database and the subtitling team subtitled 129 films.
Cinémathèque du Rhin Supérieur
Née dans le cadre du projet franco-allemand Interreg "RhInédits", la plateforme numérique Cinémathèque du Rhin Supérieur est une base de données et un lieu de réflexion autour des films « inédits » tournés dans les trois régions réunies par le Rhin - Alsace, Bade-Wurtemberg et pays de Bâle. Elle est principalement constituée d’une collection de films « inédits » (films de famille, films institutionnels, films d’entreprise et autres films utilitaires non commerciaux) accompagnés de leur analyse.