[Keynote] Anja Laukötter at conference “Projecting Pathos”, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Past event

"Visual media and emotions in the educational context. Historical perspectives on the beginning of the 20th Century”

4 December 2020
“Projecting Pathos: Emotions and the Magic Lantern”
4 December 2020, 10:00 - 17:00

Projecting Pathos will focus on the role of emotions in magic lantern performances. It will explore the emotional strategies used during lantern performances, as well as their impact on the spectators. 

It will bring together prominent scholars working in different fields related to the magic lantern and emotions: media archaeology and the history of emotions. 

Keynote lectures by 

Anja Laukötter (Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin and University of Strasbourg)
Richard Crangle (Independent researcher and Magic Lantern Society)
Vito Adriaensens (Columbia University and ULB)

Live presentations by B-magic researchers
Q&A sessions
Organized by the Centre de recherche en Cine?ma et Arts du Spectacle (CiASp) of the ULB

Register by 2 December